Fixes a crash caused by using weather pain or explosives on sunken relics, fireflies and others (RoG, SW, HAM).
Ground-shaking attacks (Bearger, Thumper, etc) will no longer damage the same mob multiple times (Base, RoG). Fireflies can no longer be captured during the day with the action key (Base, RoG). Deerclops will no longer spawn so early in winter (RoG). Fixes not being able to feed beefalos with twigs (Base). The torch can set mobs on fire as intended now (Base, RoG). The weather pain’s tornado now ignores spider webs while moving (RoG, SW, HAM). Clicking "random" in character selection now no longer shows the random character (ALL). Fixes some craft tab popup’s alignments and an issue with the tabs layering (ALL). Minor corrections to the Chinese translation (ALL). Sprinkler Pipes don't block placement anymore (HAM). The Root Trunk UI is now in the screen’s center, like other chests (HAM).
The gas mask now applies a special voice effect (HAM). Packim Baggims will not trigger spider webs and will not be slowed by them (SW). The Fire Packim Baggims will no longer attack monster characters, like Webber (SW). Added distance to the placement of wood fences and gates, like walls (SW, HAM). Some staffs can now cast on land while the player is sailing (SW, HAM). Map-exclusive recipes are now learned when prototyped and thus available for crafting on other maps (SW, HAM). The Volcanic and Ancient crafting tabs will be both available when using the Brain of Thought hat on non-Hamlet compatible saves (SW). Wood Fence, Wood Gate, Mini Sign and Feather Pencil now floats (SW, HAM). Deployables can now be placed from a tiny distance (SW, HAM). Players can now collect, pick up items, craft and load weapons while mounted on beefalos (ALL).
Many popups now support the cancel key to close them (“ESC” by default) (ALL). Some minor changes to the mods screen text positions/colors (ALL). Houndius Shootius will no longer target others Houndius Shootius (ALL). Monkey houses will release all monkeys when set on fire (ALL).
Lazy Explorer can no longer be spammed and has its own effects (ALL). The Fryfocals fire rate has been lowered a bit, based on other weapons (ALL). Added inspection lines for bee box stages (ALL).