He later reunited it with the actual Play Button in January of 2022. JackSucksAtLife bought the briefcase for $1,500 USD, which equates to £1,134.45 Great British Pounds. Along with many of his other awards, the briefcase was put on eBay. PewDiePie threw away the briefcase that the Red Diamond Award came in.PewDiePie was the first ever YouTuber to receive the Red Diamond Play Button, and the first to own a broken one.MrBeast and his crew with Red Diamond award Trivia

SentIntoSpace also made a video on this because they helped the mission In December JackSucksAtLife got hold of MrBeast's Red Diamond Play Button. It is unknown if there is one for ✿ Kids Diana Show. There are 5 of these play buttons in the world: One for T-Series, one for PewDiePie, one for Cocomelon, one for SET India and one for MrBeast. The tweet contained a video, being a time-lapse of the making of the button with Baccarat's crystal work. It is made of dark glass or brass with a piece of red baccarat crystal made of gold, barium oxide and sand in the center encased in a red briefcase with the YouTube logo stamped on the front. This Play Button was revealed through a tweet from YouTube themselves on September 6th, 2019. There are currently only five YouTube channels that have received this award, that being of YouTuber PewDiePie, the Indian music label T-Series, Cocomelon, SET India and Mr. The Red Diamond Play Button is a special award by YouTube given to channels who reach 100,000,000 (100 million) subscribers. The Red Diamond Play Button in YouTube's promotional video.